Tone in ACC
2010 Philippines Cebu Mr. Bosco chan led the Data Business
units, Will full communication of new data Cause extended to
a wider market.

2009.06 Focus
on the Greater China market trends, NTCLL and LuckyTone are
merged together in March 2009. Provided the most comprehensive
ICT solution to the customer who develops the Greater China
and Asia market.

The best wireless
solution - NTCL 3G Mobile Route,provide the most flexible internet
Now, your HSDPA Internet PC card is easier sharing any device.
By connecting a HSDPA Internet PC card to the NTCL 3G Mobile
Router, an Internet connection can be accessed and shared virtually
(PC / NB / Wife-Phone ..) anywhere within a wireless broadband
network. This innovation would create your on-the-go networking
environment .
Please contact us